PIERRE ZREIK - MANAGING DIRECTOR ALLISON INN & SPAPierre Zreik, Managing Director A hotelier with a long career managing U.S. luxury hotels and resorts, Pierre Zreik is the managing director of The Allison Inn & Spa, Oregon wine country’s first luxury inn, spa, restaurant and conference center. After training at Lycée Technique Hôtelière in Grenoble, France, Zreik’s 25-year career began with the Four Seasons and Hyatt, followed by a specialization in managing independently owned and operated hotels, including El San Juan Hotel in Puerto Rico and the Ocean Grand Resort & Spa in Palm Beach, Fla. In 1995 Zreik was recruited to Portland’s 150-room downtown Heathman Hotel where he served as general manager for three years. Following the Heathman, he joined Rosewood Hotels and Resorts at Little Dix Bay, Virgin Gorda, in the Caribbean. In 2001, he returned to Oregon to open the Avalon Hotel & Spa in Portland. Most recently he was the general manager at Cavallo Point in Sausalito, California. “We are thrilled that Pierre is managing The Allison,” said Springbrook Properties President Joan Austin.
When you need the breath of the sea and stone, taste superb wine, softness olives poured into gold olive oil Plereji Illyrian tribe inhabiting the area and its hard on the poor country, rock and sun, they wove a part of myself longing for perfection.Tu težnju nastavljaju i naši stari, pa na strmim padinama Crnjave podno brda Stari grad na nepristupačnom terenu, uz težak i mukotrpan rad, kreću s uzgojem vinove loze PLAVAC MALI. This tendency continues and our elderly, on the steep slopes below the Mount Crnjave old town in rugged terrain, with a difficult and painstaking work, ranging from viticulture Plavac Mali. Nastavljajući dugu tradiciju i usavršavajući nove tehnologije, došli smo do vrhunskih proizvoda koje Vam želimo predstaviti. Continuing a long tradition, and improving new technologies, we have top class products that we want to represent. Želimo da u našem domaćinstvu osjetite dašak te kulture kušajući naše proizvode. We want to feel in our household of that culture by tasting our products. Odlučite se! Decide! Bit ćemo Vam na usluzi i Vaše će nepce uživati u okusima našega kraja. We will be at your service and you will enjoy the flavors of our Vinarija obitelji VUKAS nalazi se na udaljenosti 7 km od Stona u mjestu Ponikve u prekrasnom okruženju netaknute prirode. VUKAS family winery is located at a distance of 7 km from Ston in Ponikve surrounded by pristine nature.
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