Wayne Tucker - Founder/VP Sales Bio S.I. Technology Bio-S.I.™ is an all-natural organic liquid soil inoculant, used for sustainable plant growth that is ecologically safe for the environment. "Rebuilding Soil Naturally"
Bio-S.I.™ is not an enzyme product. We have a broad and diverse spectrum of living organisms not seen in other products. We have no laboratory-engineered microbes; we do not buy from an outside source. We do not use manure in any phase of production. As a change agent, we reverse the negative effects of over 70 years of farming practices that have poor tillage practices, over use of chemicals and salts in the soil, while rebuilding and restoring with our program. Bio-S.I.™ is applied in a program that reduces the amount of fertilizer and other chemical inputs. Most products are enzyme only; Bio-S.I.™ is a solution that contains a broad and diverse population of living microbes that produce the enzymes needed to produce the materials for the plants’ health and growth needs for better soil. Our products do not contain any laboratory-engineered microbes nor are they grown in a laboratory setting. We add no chemicals to inactivate the microbes so that gas will not be produced when they are put into containers.

Livermore Downtown is a member of the California Main Street Association. Backed by the National Historic Trust and the National Main Street Center, Main Street projects take a holistic approach towards economic development. By promoting historic preservation and downtown merchants, and supporting a coordinated approach to design and development, Main Street projects help towns preserve their past as they revitalize their economic and cultural present — they truly become vibrant hometowns that future generations can enjoy.
Livermore boasts a beautiful downtown area, steeped in history reflecting the cattle and wine industries that created a thriving community. We have a very eclectic selection of restaurants and retail shops offering everything from home decor to gift items, fine wines, and, of course western wear.
Our Annual Wine Country Festival, Certified Farmer's Market, Holiday Parade, and Downtown Halloween Carnival bring people to the center of town year round to celebrate the bounties of our agricultural heritage and spirit of our community.
Craig Haserot - Co-founder/Proprietor of Sojourn Cellars
He oversees sales, marketing, and operations, and he also plays important roles in the finance and winemaking functions of the winery. And while he enjoys his work in all of these different facets of the winery, his favorite part of his job is spending time with customers at release parties, wine events, and Tasting Salon gatherings.
During his nearly ten years in the wine business, Craig has immersed himself in all the aspects of the winery business. On the winemaking front, he has served as unofficial assistant winemaker, planted our estate vineyard (Home Ranch Vineyard), and managed grower relationships at a total of 14 vineyards in 2009. Craig’s main responsibility, however, has been to lead Sojourn’s sales and operations, and his success in these areas has enabled Sojourn’s production to grow to 5000 cases.
After growing up in San Marino, California, Craig attended Humboldt State University and graduated with a degree in Business Administration. He began his 16-year sales and sales management career in computer software with Ashton-Tate and left it in 2001 after working at Micromuse. Sojourn produced its first Cabernet Sauvignon in 2001 and Craig planted the Home Ranch Vineyard in 2002.
Craig lives in Sonoma with his wife Ellen and their two daughters, Natalie and Julia.
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